Enhancing Dermal Matrix Regeneration and Biomechanical Properties of $2^{nd}$ Degree-Burn Wounds by EGF-Impregnated Collagen Sponge Dressing

  • Cho Lee Ae-Ri (College of Pharmacy, Duksung Women's University)
  • Published : 2005.11.01


To better define the relationship between dermal regeneration and wound contraction and scar formation, the effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) loaded in collagen sponge matrix on the fibroblast cell proliferation rate and the dermal mechanical strength were investigated. Collagen sponges with acid-soluble fraction of pig skin were prepared and incorporated with EGF at 0, 4, and 8 $\mu$g/1.7 $cm^{2}$. Dermal fibroblasts were cultured to 80$\%$ confluence using DMEM, treated with the samples submerged, and the cell viability was estimated using MTT assay. A deep, $2^{nd}$ degree- burn of diameter 1 cm was prepared on the rabbit ear and the tested dressings were applied twice during the 15-day, post burn period. The processes of re-epithelialization and dermal regeneration were investigated until the complete wound closure day and histological analysis was performed with H-E staining. EGF increased the fibroblast cell proliferation rate. The histology showed well developed, weave-like collagen bundles and fibroblasts in EGF-treated wounds while open wounds showed irregular collagen bundles and impaired fibroblast growth. The breaking strength (944.1 $\pm$ 35.6 vs. 411.5 $\pm$ 57.0 Fmax, $gmm^{-2}$) and skin resilience (11.3 $\pm$ 1.4 vs. 6.5 $\pm$ 0.6 mJ/$mm^{2}$) were significantly increased with EGF­treated wounds as compared with open wounds, suggesting that EGF enhanced the dermal matrix formation and improved the wound mechanical strength. In conclusion, EGF-improved dermal matrix formation is related with a lower wound contraction rate. The impaired dermal regeneration observed in the open wounds could contribute to the formation of wound contraction and scar tissue development. An extraneous supply of EGF in the collagen dressing on deep, $2^{nd}$ degree-burns enhanced the dermal matrix formation.



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