대학생 소비자의 신용카드 관리행동에 관한 연구

Credit Card Management Behaviors of College Students

  • 김효정 (인제대학교 가족 소비자학과)
  • 발행 : 2005.11.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitude, knowledge and need for educational contents about credit cards according to credit card use, and to examine the status of credit card use and the factors affecting credit card management behaviors of college students. The data were collected from 481 college students in Busan and Kyungnam areas by a self-administered questionnaire. Frequencies, Cronbach's alpha, factor analysis, t-test, ${\chi}^2$ analysis, Pearson's correlation analysis and regression analyses were conducted by SPSS WINDOWS. The results from this study were as follows. First, there were no significant differences between the credit card user group and the non-user group in the means of their altitude and knowledge towards credit cards. The mean of each category of the need for educational contents was high in both groups. Second, respondents of the credit card user group answered that they used credit cards whenever necessary, using them to purchase mostly clothing, shoes, and books. Third, credit card management behaviors were influenced by the allowance amount, experience of consumer education related to credit cards, number of total credit cards, attitude towards credit cards, knowledge about credit cards, frequency of credit card use, terms of credit card use and father's occupation. These results suggest that consumer education should be conducted for the credit card management behaviors of college students.



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