어머니의 양육태도 및 언어통제유형과 유아의 또래 간 요구전략과의 관계

Relationships between Maternal Child Rearing Attitude, Verbal Control Styles, and Children's Requstive Strategy

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between patterns of children's requestive strategies, mother's child rearing attitude, and verbal control style. Subjects consisted of 60 5-year-old children and their mothers at preschool in Seoul. The children's requesting behavior were observed during self-selected activities in preschool. A sample of mothers of children completed the questionnaire. The result showed that the children in this study were likely to use more frequent directives of requestive strategies. Boys tended to use more indirect requestive strategies, especially demand with requestive tag. Mothers were likely to use position-oriented verbal control. Warmth and self-control of parenting and person-oriented verbal control were positively related to indirect requestive strategy of children. Rejective and controlling parenting were negatively associated with indirect requestive strategy. Position-oriented verbal control was positively related to direct requestive strategy of children.



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