Effects of Plant Vinegar Extract on the Reduction of Blood Concentration of Alcohol and Acetaldehyde in Alcohol Administrated Rats

  • Kwon, So-Yeon (Department of Hygienic Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Choung, Se-Young (Department of Hygienic Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, Kyung Hee University)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


Excessive drinking causes 'alcohol hangover' within 8-16 hours. The cause of 'hangover' has not been elucidated exactly until now, but it is reported that it is caused by the creation of blood ethanol and acetaldehyde as ethanol metabolites. In this study vinegar extract of wood (VE) or OC-1, to which the powder extract of green tea leaves extract is added, was administered to the rats 30 minutes before the oral administration of ethanol (3 g/kg) and the blood ethanol and acetaldehyde concentration was measured in order to evaluate the efficacy of the beverage material for detoxification. As a result, the blood ethanol concentration in the group of the VE-1(vinegar crude extract) and VE-2 (double diluted solution) is statistically lower (P,0.05) than the exclusive alcohol administered control group. The blood acetaldehyde concentration of all groups of VE and OC-2, which is the double dilution of OC-1, is statistically low after 7 hours following ethanol administration. Especially, the AUC value of OC-2 group is statistically low compared to the control group. Accordingly, it indicates the conclusion that VE and OC-1, reducing the blood ethanol and acetaldehyde concentration which are two leading factors of 'hangover' after drinking, and worthwhile to be developed as beverage materials to eliminate 'hangover'.



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