이더넷 기반 전달망 기술과 전송품질보장을 위한 동기식 이더넷 기술

  • Published : 2005.12.01




  1. A. Meddeb, 'Why Ethernet WAN Transport,' IEEE Commun. Mag., pp.136-141, Nov. 2005
  2. G. Chiruvolu et al., 'Issues and Approaches on Extending Ethernet beyond LANs,' IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 42, no. 3, Mar 2004 pp. 80?6
  3. IEEE 802.1ad, http://www.ieee802.org/l/pages/802.1ad.html
  4. IEEE 802.1ah, http://www.ieee802.org/l/pages/802.1ah.html
  5. IEEE 802.3 Residential Ethernet Study Group, http://www.ieee802.org/3/re_study/
  6. R. Aggarwal et al., 'Transport of Ethernet Frames over L2TPv3,' IETF Internet draft, draft-ietf-12tpext-pwe3-ethemet-mn.txt, work in progress
  7. 'Transport of Layer 2 Frames over MPLS,' draft-ietfpwe3-control-protocol-17.txt
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  9. M. Lasserre and V. Cornpella, 'Virtual Private LAN Services over MPLS,' IETF Internet draft, draft-ietf-12vpnvpls-ldp-nn.txt, work in progress
  10. R. Santitoro, 'Metro Ethernet Services 7A Technical Oerview,' MEF, http//www.metrcethemetforum.org
  11. ITU-T Rec. G.8011.1/Y.1307.1, 'Ethernet Private Line Services,' Apr. 2004
  12. Metro Ethernet Forum, 'Ethernet Service Attributes 7Phase 1,' MEF 10, Nov. 2004
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  14. Elias Keshishoglou, Nathan Yeakel, Alexei Beliaev,Shri Arora, 'Synchronous Ethernet Specification Draft v0.39', Nov. 2003
  15. F. Ferig, 'Subscription Protocol and Admission Control in Residential Ethernet,' http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/3/re_study/public/200509/20050924_Felix_GSRP_SRP.pdf, 2005
  16. F. Feng, 'Simulation Results On 802.1p and Pacing Approaches,' http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/3/re_study/public/200509/20050924_Felix_Simulation_Pacing.pdf 2005
  17. River Stone Networks, 'Scalability of Ethernet Services Networks,' White Paper, http://www.riverstonenet.com