Statistical Properties of Intensity-Based Image Registration Methods

  • Kim, Jeong-Tae (Multimedia Signal processing Lab., Dept. of Information Electronics, Ewha Womans University)
  • Published : 2005.11.01


We investigated the mean and variance of the MSE and the MI-based image registration methods that have been widely applied for image registration. By using the first order Taylor series expansion, we have approximated the mean and the variance for one-dimensional image registration. The asymptotic results show that the MSE based method is unbiased and efficient for the same image registration problem while the MI-based method shows larger variance. However, for the different modality image registration problem, the MSE based method is largely biased while the MI based method still achieves registration. The results imply that the MI based method achieves robustness to the different image modalities at the cost of inefficiency. The analytical results are supported by simulation results.



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