Environmentally friendly Remodeling of Interior Space : Implementation of Construction Process

실내공간의 환경친화적 리모델링 시공프로세스의 실행내용에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2005.12.01


As remodeling market is growing and peoples' concern on health and well-being is getting high, there is a need to apply environmentally friendly approach to remodeling an interior space. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide basic information on environmentally friendly remodeling process focused on the implementation of interior construction process. The method of this study was two-folds. First, previous researches were reviewed to drive general remodeling process, and then content of implementation of environmentally friendly remodeling process were added. Second, semi-structured interview was conducted to eight experts in interior design who were members of KOSID. The results of this study are as follows; (1) Applying environmentally friendly method to remodeling will be essential. Therefore, it is necessary to develop various types of environmentally friendly finish materials and methods and continuing attention should be paid. (2) For broad implementing an environmentally friendly application on remodeling, builders, interior designers, manufacturers, and clients should change their consciousness through education and publicity, (3) The results showed that using environmentally friendly materials was the most primary concern for the designers. However, there is a lack of information about contamination derived from materials when manufacturing and constructing and even wastes. Thus designers should be aware of using environmentally friendly verified materials regarding materials itself and its manufacturing process.



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