A Study for Classification of Types about Museum Exhibition Medium in View of Information Design

정보디자인의 관점에서 본 박물관 전시매체의 유형분류에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2005.12.01


A modern museum has been changed from a passive place for simply exhibiting arts and antique collections to an interactive place for learning and experiencing culture and information. Such a functional change of the modern museum requires not only reorganizing fundamental characteristics of the modern museum, but also reforming organization of management teams, changing attitudes of staffs and assigning new roles to staffs for accepting the new thought and approach of visitors. That is, the function of the modem museum is not limited to collect arts and antique collections. The fundamental change of the modern museum further requires using the collections as a tool or a medium to provide a cultural exchange between the visitors and the museum, and to give new experience and information to the visitors. After proposing discussion that ' how, what, who is related to the museum? ', the way of thinking the museum is changed from ' collection ' to ' communication '. The change of the modern museum improves an educational role of the museum, and makes the museum as a communicator exchanging information and experience with visitors. In the last analysis, the modern museum is not just an exhibition medium that simply transfers information of the exhibition mediums to public. The modem museum is also a communication medium in order to collect information and transfer the collected information to the visitors. That is, the modern museum should provide various exhibition and communication mediums to the visitors for exchanging information and cultural experience. Therefore, the modern museum requires additional functions processing information suitable to the present environment and level of the museum, and transferring the information to public.



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