복합적 의미의 건축 색채특성과 의미체계 변화에 관한 연구

A Study on Complex Architectural Color Characteristics and Change of Meaning Structure

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


As the development of digital and technological sophistication, architectural speculation hierarchy had been more and further diversified and brought on the changes with system of architectural color meaning. Architectural color had been influences on evocation of effect and meaning by association, had the attributes of communication with human being, in common with precision, non-verbal and non-quantitative creative field. Color could not been defined as one conclusively standard symbol and figured out in inter-relationship with correlation, mental status and interaction. Color in architecture could been promptly defined as the tool of visualization in building or structure through the essential criterion to be measured with shape, space and author's thought. In consequence, color in architecture could been re-defined as the speculation concept for real characteristics creation(color as design factors on architect and color to be expressed by program) in itself, and color supporting system as for transposition of light and space enlargement scheme. Consequently, color in architecture could been turnover from perceived color to anthropological color through the real value creation scheme in itself.



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