A Study the Elements of Technological Specific Expression in Research Institute Architecture -Focused on the Contemporary Research Institutes-

연구소 건축 계획의 테크놀로지 특성 표현 요소에 관한 연구 - 현대 연구소 건축을 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2005.12.01


This study is a understanding on technological specific expression to reflect of a research institute in modern architecture. For this study, it separately reduce space program, plan program, design elements of elevation, structural system, mechanical system, building material program to its expressional elements of research institute. Also, it's arranged about a specificity that is expressed for technology each plan elements of a research institute. As a result, elements what is expressive of technology on research institute are influenced an aesthetic expression, expression of an arrangement system, structural expression, expression of architectural organization, and it influences more getting feels technological specificity expressed an aesthetic, structural system, architectural composition, mechanical distribution system in order of their magnitude. This is offered suggestion what must be an achievable complex both a simply technological expression and aesthetic expression.



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