The Relationship of Ethnocentrism and Fashion Leadership and their Influences on Purchasing Attitude toward Luxury Brands

자민족중심주의, 패션선도력의 관계 및 명품구매태도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

  • 전경숙 (한성대학교 의류패션산업) ;
  • 박혜정 (한국산업기술대학교 교양학과)
  • Published : 2005.11.01


This study intended to identify the effects of consumer ethnocentrism and fashion leadership on purchasing attitude toward luxury brands. This study also identified differences in consumer ethnocentrism and fashion leadership according to demographic characteristics and the relationship between ethnocentrism and fashion leadership. The data used in this study were gathered through surveying university students living in Seoul using convenient sampling method, and 325 questionnaires were used in t test, F test, and regression analysis. The results showed significant differences in consumer ethnocentrism according to age, clothing expenditure, monthly pocket money and in fashion leadership according to age, major, clothing expenditure, monthly pocket money, and monthly household income. There was no significant relationship between consumer ethnocentrism and fashion leadership. Consumer ethnocentrism negatively influenced the purchasing attitude whereas fashion leadership influenced positively. The results of this study provide insights into young consumers' increasing demands toward luxury brands and suggest some promotional tools that might prove effective.



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