Research on Characteristics of Shoe Manufacturing Companies according to Outsourcing Types

아웃소싱 유형별 신발 제조업체의 특성 연구

  • Published : 2005.11.01


In this study, outsourcing behaviors of shoe manufacturing companies were studied and four types of outsourcing were generated based on qualitative data collected through in-depth interviews with 21 practitioners of shoe manufacturing companies. In results, shoe manufacturers are actively adopting outsourcings in production of raw materials(RM) as well as final products(FP). However, relatively less effect is being made on outsourcing in the field of product planning, international marketing and information technology. Four types of outsourcing include shoe manufacturers focusing on: 1) domestic production of RH and FP, 2) domestic production of RM and international production of FP, 3) domestic/international production of RM and FP, and 4) international production of RH and FP. These types were differed. from their manufacturing items, product planning skills and target markets of shoe manufacturing companies.



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