This study was carried out to obtain the basic information for quality changes according to degree of exposed sunlight after harvest of aerial part in Saururus chinensis Baill. Top part harvested was exposed to sunlight from 0 to 3 hours with 1-hour interval, and was dried at $50^{\circ}C$ hot air. The values were higher at shorter time of sunlight exposure, while the opposite is the true to the a values. The b and c values were high at 2-hour exposure before drying. Those were higher at shorter time of sunlight exposure after drying, but showed opposite tendency in tang-jeon. The contents of rutin and quercitrin, and astringency were greater at shorter time of sunlight exposure. Preference of quality and tang-jeon showed similar tendency with those.
삼백초 수확 후 광 노출정도에 따른 선도유지 및 유효성분 함량 변화를 구명하여 품질향상을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 시험을 수행한 결과, 건물율은 잎, 줄기, 꽃 모두 광노출 시간이 길수록 높았으며, 색도중 명도는 광노출시간이 짧을수록 높았으나, 적색도는 상반된 경향이었다. 황색도와 채도는 건조전에는 광노출 2시간시에, 건조후에는 광노출시간이 짧을수록 높았으나, 경엽 탕전시에는 상반된 경향이었고, 광노출 시간이 짧을수록 rutin, quercitri 의 함량과 떫은 맛이 많았고, 품질 선호도와 경엽 탕전 시 기호도도 우수하였다.