A study on GEO satellite signals in L - to Ka-band affected by Asian Sand Dust

  • Published : 2005.11.01


This paper represents an attempt to bring together and analyses the measurement data measured by the Satellite Signal Monitoring Center in Korea and the Korea Meteorological Administration/Korea Meteorological Research Institute in close cooperation with this study team. This paper presents the signal characteristic of GEO satellite operating in frequency range 1 to 20GHz associated with Asian Sand Dust (the so-called Yellow Sand Dust). The downlink signal power (dBm) for L-, S-, C-, Ku-, and Ka-band frequencies from GEO satellites were measured in a clear weather and in Asian Sand Dust weather by the Satellite Signal Monitoring Center. The measured signal power(dBm) were compared to the total number concentration and size distribution of Sand Dust that were measured by the Korea Meteorological Administration/Korea Meteorological Research Institute and the possible correlation between these sets data were analyzed. The results demonstrate that the downlink signal level (dBm) of GEO satellite is attenuated by Asian Sand Dust. Hitherto, merger information has been reported as to the influence of sand dust on satellite communications operating in regions affected by sand dust.



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