A Study on Nutrition Knowledge, Dietary Attitude, Food Habit of Middle School Students in Chonbuk Area

전북 일부지역 남$\cdot$여 중학생의 영양지식, 식생활 태도, 식습관 비교

  • Eom Hyo-Soon (Sol-Nae High School) ;
  • Jeong Mi-Jin (Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition, Research Institute of Human Ecology, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Kim Sook-Bae (Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition, Research Institute of Human Ecology, Chonbuk National University)
  • 엄효순 (전주 솔내고등학교) ;
  • 정미진 (전북대학교 식품영양학과, 인간생활과학 연구소) ;
  • 김숙배 (전북대학교 식품영양학과, 인간생활과학 연구소)
  • Published : 2005.10.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and a food habits of middle school students. The study was carried out through questionnaire. The subjects were 431 middle school students (boys 298, girls 133) in Chonbuk area. In nutrition knowledge, there were no significant differences in total scores between boys and girls. However, the girls showed higher score in knowledge of weight control than boys did (p<0.05). In dietary attitude, there were significant differences in attitude of 'balanced meal (p<0.05)', 'sufficient protein intake (p<0.01)', 'food diversity (p<0.001)' and 'overeating(p<0.00)' between boys and girls. The boys showed better dietary attitudes than the girls did. In food habits, there were significant differences in the rate of skipping breakfast (p<0.05), the rates of skipping dinner (p<0.001), the frequency of snacks (p<0.05), the type of snacks (p<0.05) between boys and girls. The girls showed higher rates of skipping a meal and frequency of snacks than the boys did. It suggests that gender should be considered for an effective and practical nutrition education for middle school students to improve dietary attitudes and food habits.



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