무선 음성 오디오 통합코덱 기술

  • Published : 2005.10.01




  1. ITU-T SG16, 'Report of SG16 Meeting,' 2005.8
  2. 이미숙, 김도영, '음성코덱의 특성과 협대역 음성 코덱의 표준 기술분석,' 주간기술동향 18권 6호, 2003.12
  3. A. Aggarwal and K. Rose, 'Approaches to improve quantization performance over the scalable advanced audio coder,' 112nd AES Convention, Munich, Germany, Reprint 5557, May 2002
  4. ISO/IEC JTC1.SC29, 'Information technology - very low bitrate audio-visual coding,' ISO/IEC IS 14496 (Part 3, Audio), 1998
  5. B. Grill, 'A bit rate scalable perceptual coder for MPEG-4 audio,' l03rd AES Convention, New York, NY, Reprint 4620, Sept. 1997
  6. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29, 'Information technology - generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio,' ISO/IEC IS 13818-3 (Part 3, Audio),1995
  7. M. Bosi, et. sl., 'ISO/IEC MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding,' J. Audio Engineering Soc., vol. 45, pp. 789-814, Oct. 1997
  8. S. Park, Y. Kim, and Y. Seo, 'Multi-layer bit-sliced bit-rate scalable audio coding,' l03rd AES Convention, New York, NY, Reprint 4520, Sept. 1997
  9. T. Liebchen, 'An introduction to MPEG-4 audio lossless coding,' in Proc, ICASSP, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1012-1015, May 2004
  10. C. Faller, R. Haimi-Cohen, p. Kroon, and J. Rothweiler, 'Perceptually-based joint program audio coding,' 113rd AES Convention, Los Angles, CA, Reprint 5684, Oct. 2002
  11. R. Geiger, J. Herre, J. Koller, and K. Brandenburg, 'IntMDCT- A link between perceptual and lossless audio coding,' in Ptoc, ICASSP, Orlando, FL, pp. 1813-1816, Apr. 2002
  12. ITU-T Recommendation G. 722, '7 kHz audio-coding within 64 kbit/s,' Nov. 1988
  13. ITU-T Temporary Document, ID 30 Rl(WP 3/16), Report of Q.9/16 Meeting, Jan. 2004
  14. A. jin, et. a1, 'Scalable audio coder based on quantizer units of MDCT coefficients,' in Proc, ICASSP, Phoenix, AZ, pp. 897-900, Mar. 1999
  15. 이길호, 김홍국, '고품질 오디오 서비스를 위한 스케일러블 오디오 부호화 기법,' 제18회 신호처리합동학술대회 논문집, p. 9, 2005년 10월
  16. 김도영, 김영선, '인터넷 전화 기술현황 및 전망,' 한국통신학회지 제 21 권 4호, pp. 170-179 , 2004년 4월
  17. 정보통신부, Conference proceedings, VolP Grand Conference, 2005년 7월