주파수 선택적 채널에서 OFDMA 시스템을 위한 적응 빔포밍 방법

Channel-Adaptive Beamforming Method for OFDMA Systems in frequency-Selective Channels

  • 발행 : 2005.10.01


In this paper, a channel-adaptive beamforming method is proposed for OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multilexing Access) systems with smart antenna, in which the size of a cluster is determined adaptively depending on the frequency selectivity of the channel. The proposed method consists of 4 steps: initial channel estimation, refinement of channel estimates, region-splitting, and computation of weight vector for each region. In the proposed method, the size of a cluster for resource unit is determined adaptively according to a region-splitting criterion. It is shown by simulation that the proposed method shows good performances in both frequency-flat and frequency-selective channels.



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