A Study on Applying the Value Innovation to Space

공간에서의 가치혁신 적용에 대한 연구

  • 황복득 (대덕대학 공업계열 인테리어 리모델링과)
  • Published : 2005.10.01


The 21th century is rapidly turning to the era of supernational competition aimed at global customers. Under these circumstances, applying the value innovation to space which will be in charge of value creation is recognized as being essential to life. This study aims to newly define the conception, the viewpoint, and types on applying the value innovation to space, which has not been established logically yet. The purpose of analyzing cases where the innovation was applied at home and abroad is to provide basic logic to establish these concepts in real space design. This study is prospected to be the core strategy of growth cause for maintaining our industrial development, so it is suggested that accepting, widening, and developing it may enable us to prepare for the continued innovation to space.



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