A Study of imagification of space laying emphasis on representation

표상성을 중심으로한 공간 이미지화에 관한 연구

  • 황용섭 (국립한국재활복지대학 생활환경디자인과) ;
  • 박찬호 (동덕여자대학교 산업디자인)
  • Published : 2005.10.01


New images percolate through human consciousness by the media such as movies, TV programs, and brilliant advertisements. These images reproduce new ' things ' throughout the ' semantic processes ' by those who experience and recognize them. Alvin Toffler describes it as the ' information bomb ' and ' image fragments ' in his talk about the new paradigm of information-oriented era. The increasing number of images and their accelerating rate of appearance imply that images become more momentary, and are evidence that they are transforming entire human life and consciousness. Such awareness means a lot to a designer. Especially, the subject that how modern space-dominating images are related to the structure and materials constituting the space and communicate with human mind will be an important factor in establishing the human-space relationship in the future. Furthermore, the present age overspread with various medium is not the only one privileged of the images that exist within space. They are the results of continuous expansion of existing images, and also process of evolution of space powered by the fusion of images and digital media. Imagified space is a boundary layer of Cyberspace, and the space itself becomes an interface by human recognition and participation. Now, the functional classification of spaces such as ' office, ' ' cafe, ' and ' school ' is meaningless. Whatever it may be, the function of a space is defined by the information it interfaces, and therefore it becomes an interface to information through a large number of images. Based on this idea, we will observe the imagificaiton of space in the form of discussion, and from that, try to understand the phenomenon through the real world examples.



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