A Study on the Daily life Furniture in Three Kingdoms and Unified Silla Period - Based on the Sang(상) and Tap(탑) -

사료로 본 삼국 및 통일신라시대의 기거용 가구 - 床榻(상탑)을 중심으로-

  • 이정미 (중부대학교 건축디자인학과)
  • Published : 2005.10.01


The ondol is a uniquely Korean system of providing warmth to room. The ondol rooms never use daily life furniture because the ondol warms the floor surface where people sit. Finally, the ondol floor changed the traditional housings inner space. Before use ondol where daily life furnitures[sang(상) and Tap(탑)] are installed in the room. The origin of daily life furnitures are the ancient tomb mural of Koguryo Period. The daily life furniture can be classified as three large groups in the ancient tomb mural of Koguryo. First, a single seat[Jowa-sang(좌상)] of set up a screen[병풍]. The second, It make possible Many peoples take a seat with no decoration seat[Tap(탑)]. The third, uptodately table and chairs. A radical difference between sang(상) and Tap(탑) whether set up a screen[병풍]. The meaning of sang(상) and Tap(탑) in Koguryo ancient tomb provided Oksa-jo[옥사조] in Samkuk-sagi[삼국사기] with several valuable leads to help solve the sang(상)'s meaning. Furthermore, It will be start ponit of study on constructive shape of inner space in those days.



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