Production of Xylanolytic Enzyme Complex from Aspergillus flavus using Agricultural Wastes

  • Published : 2005.06.30


Five types of agricultural wastes were used for the production of xylanolytic enzyme by Aspergillus flavus K-03. All wastes materials supported high levels of xylanase and ${\beta}-xylosidase$ production. A high level of proteolytic activity was observed in barley and rice bran cultures, while only a weak proteolytic activity was detected in corn cob, barley and rice straw cultures. Maximum production of xylanase was achieved in basal liquid medium containing rice barn as carbon source for 5 days of culture at pH 6.5 and $25^{\circ}C$. The xylanolytic enzyme of A. flavus K-03 showed low thermostability. The times required for 50% reduction of the initial enzyme activity were 90 min at $40^{\circ}C$, 13 min at $50^{\circ}C$, and 3 min at $60^{\circ}C$. Xylanolytic activity showed the highest level at pH $5.5{\sim}10.5$ and more than 70% of the original activity was retained at pH 6.5 and 7.0. The higher stability of xylanolytic enzymes in the broad range of alkaline pH is useful for utilization of the enzymes in industrial process requiring in alkaline conditions. Moreover, the highest production of xylanolytic enzyme was obtained when 0.5% of rice bran was supplied in basal liquid medium. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed a single xylanase band of approximately 28.5 kDa from the culture filtrates.



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