Karst 지형학 일반론

  • Published : 2005.03.01




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  2. Hill, Carol A Cave Minerals. National Speleological Society. U.S.A : Huntsville, 1976
  3. Hill, C.A, Forti, P. Cave Minerals of the World. Huntsville, U.S.A: 1986
  4. Hinds, Norman E.A. Geomorphology. New York: Prentice holl. 1943
  5. Herak, M. Important Karst Regions of the North Hemisphere. New York. 1972
  6. Jennings, J.N. Karst Geomorphology. Oxford : Basil Blasckwell. 1985
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  30. 국립 지리원. 1:5,000 지형도(1,500매)