Elastic Modeling for the Behavior of Undrained Pore Water Pressure in Saturated Sand

포화된 사질토에서 비배수 공극수압거동에 대한 탄성해석모델의 개발

  • 임성훈 (공주대학교 산업과학대학 생물산업공학부 농업토목공학)
  • Published : 2005.09.01


In this study. it was suggested that the elastic model to analyze the behavior of pore water pressure in saturated sand specimen on the condition of non-drainage. The model based on the experiments which were performed for the relationships between the pore water pressure and the grain size of specimen, and effective stress, respectively. The suggested model embodied the pore water and soil grain as separate elastic springs of different stiffness. The springs were joined parallel and the axial strains were restricted to the same deformation. The suggested model was well consistent with the experiments.



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