Differential Code-Filtering Correlation Method for Adaptive Beamforming

  • 발행 : 2005.09.01


An adaptive beamforming system based on code filtering and differential correlation approaches is proposed. The differential correlation method was originally proposed for time delay estimation of direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems under near-far ratio conditions and the code filtering correlation algorithm, on the other hand, was proposed for array response estimation in DS-CDMA systems under perfect power control. In this paper, by combining differential correlation concept with the code filtering beamforming technology, an accurate estimate of the beam forming weights and an enhanced performance of DS-CDMA systems under sever near-far ratio conditions is achieved. The system performance in terms of beam pattern and bit-error-rate (HER) shows that the proposed adaptive beamformer outperforms the conventional code filtering correlation technique.



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