An Efficient Priority Based Adaptive QoS Traffic Control Scheme for Wireless Access Networks

  • Kang Moon-sik (Department of Electronics, Kangnung National University)
  • Published : 2005.09.01


In this paper, an efficient Adaptive quality-of-service (QoS) traffic control scheme with priority scheduling is proposed for the multimedia traffic transmission over wireless access networks. The objective of the proposed adaptive QoS control (AQC) scheme is to realize end-to-end QoS, to be scalable without the excess signaling process, and to adapt dynamically to the network traffic state according to traffic flow characteristics. Here, the reservation scheme can be used over the wireless access network in order to get the per-flow guarantees necessary for implementation of some kinds of multimedia applications. The AQC model is based on both differentiated service model with different lier hop behaviors and priority scheduling one. It consists of several various routers, access points, and bandwidth broker and adopts the IEEE 802.1 le wireless radio technique for wireless access interface. The AQC scheme includes queue management and packet scheduler to transmit class-based packets with different per hop behaviors (PHBs). Simulation results demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed AQC scheme.



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