유한요소법과 FLSD를 이용한 관재 하이드로포밍 공정에서의 성형 한계 예측

Forming Limit Prediction in Tube Hydroforming Processes by Using the FEM and FLSD

  • 김상우 (한국기계연구원 신기능재료본부 소재성형연구센터) ;
  • 김정 (부산대학교 항공우주공학과) ;
  • 이정환 (한국기계연구원 신기능재료본부 소재성형연구센터) ;
  • 강범수 (ERC/NSDM 부산대학교)
  • 발행 : 2005.09.01


Among the failure modes which can occur in tube hydroforming such as wrinkling, bursting or buckling, the bursting by local instability under excessive tensile stresses is irrecoverable phenomenon. Thus, the accurate prediction of bursting condition plays an important role in producing the successfully hydroformed part without any defects. As the classical forming limit criteria, strain-based forming limit diagram (FLD) has widely used to predict the failure in sheet metal forming. However, it is known that the FLD is extremely dependant on strain path throughout the forming process. Furthermore, The application of FLD to hydroforming process, where strain path is no longer linear throughout forming process, may lead to misunderstanding for fracture initiation. In this work, stress-based forming limit diagram (FLSD), which is strain path-independent and more general, was applied to prediction of forming limit in tube hydroforming. Combined with the analytical FLSD determined from plastic instability theory, finite element analyses were carried out to find out the state of stresses during hydroforming operation, and then FLSD is utilized as forming limit criterion. In addition, the approach is verified by a series of bulge tests in view of bursting pressure and shows a good agreement. Consequently, it is shown that the approach proposed in this paper will provide a feasible method to satisfy the increasing practical demands for judging the forming severity in hydroforming processes.



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