순환식 수경재배에 적합한 토마토 배양액 개발

Development of Optimal Nutrient Solution of Tomato(Lycopercicon esculentum Mill.) in a Closed Soilless Culture System

  • 유성오 (원광대학교 식물자원과학부(생명자원과학연구소)) ;
  • 배종향 (원광대학교 식물자원과학부(생명자원과학연구소))
  • Yu, Sung-Oh (Division of Plant and Resource Science, Wonkwang Univ.) ;
  • Bae, Jong-Hyang (Division of Plant and Resource Science, Wonkwang Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2005.09.01


토마토 순환식 고형배지경 시스템에서 생육단계별 작물의 양분 흡수율을 밝히고 최적 배양액을 개발하고자 일본야채시험장 표준액($NO_3-N$ 16.0, $NH_4-N$ 1.3, $PO_4-P$ 4.0, K 8.0, Ca 8.0, Hg 4.0 $me{\cdot}L^{-1}$)을 1/2, 1 및 2배액의 3수준 농도로 조성하여 실험을 수행하였다. 생육초기와 후기 모두 1/2배액 처리에서 생육이 양호하고, 근권 내 pH와 EC의 변화도 적었으며, 식물체내 무기이온 함량도 적정치로 나타났다. 따라서 생육단계별 양${\cdot}$수분 흡수(n/w)율에 의해 개발된 토마토 순환식 배양액 조성은 생육초기에는 $NO_3-N,\;PO_4-p$, K, Ca, Mg 및 $SO_4-S$ 농도가 각각 7.1, 2.1, 4.0, 3.1, 1.2 및 1.2 $me{\cdot}L^{-1}$, 생육후기에는 각각 6.5, 2.3, 3.4, 3.1, 1.1 및 1.1 $me{\cdot}^L^{-1}$로 나타났다. 개발된 배양액의 적합성 검정을 위하여 네델란드 온실작물연구소의 순환식 PTG(Proefstation voor tuinbouw onder glas te Naaldwijk) 배양액으로 비교 실험을 하였다 초기 생육은 PTG와 WU 배양액의 2배액 처리에서, 후기 생육은 WU 2배액 처리에서 가장 좋았다. 정식 후 72일째까지의 수량은 WU 2배액 처리에서 가장 높았으며, 배꼽썩음과는 PTG와 WU 배양액의 모든 농도에서 나타났다. WU 2배액의 EC와 pH변화는 재배되는 동안 안정적이었다. 생육이 높았던 WU 2배액의 식물체내 무기성분 함량 N과 P 함량이 높음에 따라 배양액 조성시 N, P 함량을 낮추어 공급하는 것이 바람직한 것으로 판단된다.

The experiment was conducted to investigate the nutrition absorption pattern in the growth stages and develope the optimal nutrient solution hydroponically grown the tomato in closed substrate culture system with the nutrient solution of National Horticultural Research Station in Japan into 1/2S, 1 S, and 2S. When plant was grown in 1/2 S, the growth and yield were high and the pH and EC in the rooting zone were stable. Suitable composition of nutrient solution for tomato was $NO_3-N$ 7.1, $PO_{4}$-P 2.1, K 4.0, Ca 3.1, Mg 1.2, and $SO_{4}-S\;1.2\;me{\cdot}L^{-1}$ in the early growth stage and $NO_3-N$ 6.5, $PO_4-P$ 2.3, K 3.4, Ca 3.1, Mg 1.1, and $SO_4-S\;1.1\;me{\cdot}L^{-1}$ in the late growth stage by calculating a rate of nutrient and water uptake. To estimate the suitability for the nutrient solution of tomato in a development of optimum nutrient solution of tomato developed by Wonkwang university in korea (WU), plant was grown in perlite substrate supplied with different solution and strengths(S) by research station for greenhouse vegetable and floricultuin in the Netherlands (Proefstation voor tuinbouw onder glas te Naaldwijk; PTG) of 1/2 S, 1 S and 2 S, respectively, The growth was good at the PTG and WU of 2 S in early growth stage, and at the WU 2S in late growth stage. The highest yield of tomato obtained in the WU of 2 S, although blossom-end rot was appeared in all treatments. pH and EC in root zone of WU of 2 S were stable during the early and late growth stage. Therefore when plant was grown in WU of 2 S, N and P content in the nutrient solution need to low, according N and P content of their leaves were high in WU of 2 S.



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