섬유소 공급원이 면양의 반추위 pH, Buffering Capacity 및 소화율에 미치는 영향

Effects of Fiber Sources on Ruminal pH, Buffering Capacity and Digestibility in Sheep

  • 발행 : 2005.09.01


본 연구는 섬유소공급원 7종, alfalfa hay cube (AHC), corn cob (CC), corn silage (CS), cotton seed hull (CSH), peanut hull (PHL), rice straw(RS), sugar cane bagasse(SCB)의 반추위에서의 반추활동, pH, 완충능력과 전소화기관 내 소화율을 알아보고자 실시하였다. 공시 동물은 평균체중 37.1kg인 Corridale종 수 면양 5두 (3두는 반추위 fistula 부착)를 사용하였으며, 실험기간동안 공시동물에게 급여한 사료는 각각의 조사료원 $45\%$와 corn-based 사료 $55\%$의 비율로 하여 1일 2회 (09:00, 21:00) 총 800g(dry matter basis)을 급여하였다. Ruminal pH는 급여 후 4시간까지는 처리구 간에 차이가 없었지만 8시간 후 타 조사료원$(6.24\~6.61)$과 RS(5.78)간에는 차이가 있었다(p<0.05). 반추위 내 완충능력은 SCB구, CC구와 비교하여 CS구에서 사료급여 후 0시간(p<0.05), 2시간(p<0.05)에 유의한 차이를 나타내었고, 사료급여 후 12시간 경과 시 AHC구를 제외한 CC구, CS구, SCB구와 RS구 보다 PHL구(p<0.01)에서 높게 나타났다. DM 소화율은 CS구에서 $78.19\%$로 타처리보다 유의하게 높았으며(p<0.05), DNF 소화율은 CC구, CS구, CSH구와 RS구가 다른 조사료원 급여구보다 높게 나타났다. (p<0.001).

This study was conducted to study the effect of fiber sources on ruminal pH and buffering capacity and whole digestive tract digestibility with five ruminally fistulated sheep. Evaluated fiber sources were alfalfa hay cube (AHC), corn cob (CC), com silage (CS), cotton seed hull (CSH), peanut hull (PHL), rice straw (RS), and sugarcane bagasse (SCB). Sheep were fed consecutively a diet containing each tested fiber source $(45\%)$ with a corn-based concentrate diets $(55\%)$ during each experimental period. Ruminal pH showed no difference among fiber sources except the significantly lower pH at 8h (p<0.05) with RS (pH; 5.78) than those in other sources. Buffering capacity showed significant differences at 0h (p<0.05) and 2h (p<0.05) after feeding in CS compared to those from SCB and CC, while there was higher in PHL (p<0.01) at 12h post feeding except AHC than CC, CS, SCB, and RS. Dry matter digestibility was significantly higher in CS (p<0.001) than in other sources. Neutral detergent fiber digestibility was higher in CC, CS, CSH, and RS than other fiber sources (p<0.001). These results suggest that ruminal pH and buffering capacity and whole digestive track digestibility were significantly affected by fiber sources in ruminant diet, and, therefore, should be took those effects into account for TMR formulation.



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