The Influence of Attachment with Mother on Self-Concept, Peer Relationship and School Adjustment in Korean-Chinese School Age Children

중국 조선족 아동의 어머니와의 애착이 자아개념, 또래관계 및 학교생활 적응에 미치는 영향

  • 이사라 (경희대학교 생활과학연구소) ;
  • 박혜원 (울산대학교 아동가족복지학과)
  • Published : 2005.10.01


The present study examined the relationships among maternal attachment, self-concept, peer relationship, and school adjustment. The subjects were 293 Korean-Chinese elementary school students living in Yanji and Shenyang, China. The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (Armsden & Greenberg, 1987), Social Competence Inventory(Doh & Falbo, 1999), and Self-Perception Profile for Adolesents(Harter, 1988) were used to measure the subjects' maternal attachment, and peer relationship, school adjustment, and self-concept, respectively. When structural equation modeling was applied, the results supported not only the model that maternal attachment and self-concept exert an influence on peer relationship, but also the model that they exert an influence on school adjustment. The results of this study suggest that the secure maternal attachment of Korean-Chinese works as an important mechanism that explains their peer relationship and adjustment at elementary school.



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