ICP-MS와 AAS를 이용한 대기 입자상 표준물질 (SRM 1648) 금속성분의 정량에 관한 연구

Determination of Metallic Elements in Urban Particulate Matter (SRM 1648) by ICP-MS and AAS

  • Yoo Su-Young (Department of Environmental Engineering, Dong-A University) ;
  • Choi Kum-Chan (Department of Environmental Engineering, Dong-A University) ;
  • Kim Ki-Hyun (Department of Earth & Environmental Science, Sejong University)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.01


This study was investigated with sample digestion techniques and a reliability of the analytical results for a quantitative analysis of a standard reference material ('urban particulate matter', SRM 1648). The metallic elements were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) with closed vessel microwave acid digestion method and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Quality control of the overall analytical procedures for metallic element determinations of standard reference material were estimated by analysis of a SRM 1648. Three digestion solutions $(type\;1:\;HNO_3,\;type\;2:\;HNO_3\;and\;H2O_2(4'1)\;mixture,\;type\;3:5.55\%\; HNO_3\;and\;16.75\%\;HCI\;mixture)$ were applied to SRM 1648. As a result, three digestion solutions used in this study are completely unable to digest Cr of SRM 1648. Reliability of Cr and As showed some errors in the digestion with digestion solution type (3) due to the influence of chlorides. Type (3) digestion solutions are sufficient to fulfill the digestion of As as well as Se in SRM 1648. ICP-MS results showed the improvement in accurate and precise determination of some trace elements like Cd, V and Pb in SRM 1648. It is important to use the proper digestion solution for each element to qualify analytical precision.



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