$18\~19$세기 복식에 나타난 신고전주의 양식의 미적 가치

Aesthetic Value of the Neoclassic Style in Eighteenth to Nineteenth Century Fashion

  • 함연자 (동의대학교 패션디자인학과)
  • Ham Youn-Ja (Dept. of Fashion Design, Dong-Eui University)
  • 발행 : 2005.09.01


The purpose of this study is to define the special characteristics of the neoclassic style in eighteenth to nineteenth century fashion. Researching into philosophy and aesthetics in eighteenth to nineteenth century, the characteristics of the neoclassic style in fashion is considered the clarity of form, the utility of function, and the sensuality combined with body. The results of this study are as follows: The clarify of form is found in geometric form based on anatomical truth of the human body in relation with rational and scientific thoughts. The utility of function is found in simple and suitable construction considering purely practical purpose of dresses. The sensuality combined with body is found in natural silhouette dress alluding naked body in connection with Rousseau' naturalism. Understanding aesthetic value of the neoclassic style will help to develop fashion designs associated with neoclassical forms.



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