노인전문요양시설의 프로그램 수행공간 계획지침 - 공간현황 및 이용행태 조사를 통해 -

Design Guidelines for the Activity Spaces in Skilled Nursing Facilities for the Elderly -Focused on Spatial Characteristics and Using Behavior-

  • 이민아 (군산대학교 생활과학부 주거 및 실내계획 전공)
  • Lee Min-Ah (Department of Housing & Interior Design, Kunsan National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.01


The purpose of this study was to provide the design guidelines for the activity spaces in the skilled nursing facilities for the elderly through the investigation of the spatial characteristics and using behavior The researcher interviewed the staff regarding programs in 15 facilities, investigated and observed the use of the spaces from 15th of December, 2004 to 19th of February, 2005. The programs in facilities were categorized into human knowledge, arts, music, exercise, recreation, cooking gardening, religious and social activities, and those were peformed once to 4 times a day. They were conducted in the elderly individual rooms, lounges, program rooms, dining room, or(and) auditorium. The results of the study were as follows: First, investigating the activity spaces, the lounges and elderly individual rooms were mostly on the same floor so that the elderly had no big trouble in access to the lounge. The program rooms of the facilities in suburban and rural area were on the same floor as the elderly individual rooms and they were likely to combine with another usage, compared to those On city were mostly separated from the residence floor. Most of dining rooms and auditorium were on the basement or on the 1st floor. Second, in the programs by the activity spaces, elderly individual room and the program room were used more for the human knowledge and art programs with small group. The lounges were for recreation and social activities with (both of) small or(and) big group and dining rooms were mainly used for cooking programs. In auditorium, recreation, religious and social activity were performed with big group. Third, the individual rooms for the elderly had more capacity if those did not have any beds, but often had a trouble in making a passage way. The lounges needed to remove decorations and displayed furniture obstructing the passages and to arrange both of the western and eastern type of tables for the efficient use of the spaces. It took a long time in preparation of the furniture and other equipment if the program room was with another usage.



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