A DSP System for On-line Monitoring in Laser Welding Using a IR and UV Sensors

IR 및 UV센서를 이용한 레이저 용접시의 실시간 모니터링 DSP 시스템

  • Yoon Choong-Sup (Dept. of Welding and Production, Hanbat National University)
  • Published : 2005.08.01


We designed a weld monitoring system with UV and IR sensors using a embedded DSP controller for implementing a distribution system; running stand alone and communication with outside by industrial standard protocols. Also this system provided a USB port in order to be acquiring data in PC. The user interface program in PC visualized the IR and W data in time, frequency and state space. A correlation of IR and UV signals showed closely related to weld quality. A rapid change of geometry can be found through a moving average filter. And the average value of IR signal at an interval represented a welding width and depth. Through these results, we proposed a monitoring algorithm for a integer type DSP.



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