An Analysis of Correlations Between Portfolio Assessment and Other Assessment Methods in Elementary School Science

초등 과학 포트폴리오 평가와 다른 과학 평가 방법 간의 상관관계 분석

  • Published : 2005.08.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the measuring range of portfolio assessment on students' abilities, using correlation coefficients of portfolio assessment with four other assessment methods. A portfolio system was developed based on low units of elementary fourth grade science, and applied to three fourth-grade science classes in Daejeon Metropolitan area and Gyunggi-do. Four different assessment methods, multiple-choice (short answer type), essay-type item, mind-mapping and laboratory assessment were also administered and scored by two elementary teachers attending graduate school. Correlation coefficients between portfolio assessment and four assessment methods were calculated with SPSS. Portfolio assessment showed moderate correlation with multiplechoice (short answer), essay-type, and mind-mapping, and low correlation with laboratory assessment. Portfolio assessment showed high correlation with multiple-choice assessment in 'understanding' and 'application' domains, but showed low correlation in 'recall' and 'inquiry' domains. In conclusion, portfolio assessment could measure various abilities measured by other assessment methods.
