Healing of CAD Model Errors Using Design History

설계이력 정보를 이용한 CAD모델의 오류 수정

  • Published : 2005.08.01


For CAD data users, few things are as frustrating as receiving CAD data that is unusable due to poor data quality. Users waste time trying to get better data, fixing the data, or even rebuilding the data from scratch from paper drawings or other sources. Most related works and commercial tools handle the boundary representation (B-Rep) shape of CAD models. However, we propose a design history?based approach for healing CAD model errors. Because the design history, which covers the features, the history tree, the parameterization data and constraints, reflects the design intent, CAD model errors can be healed by an interdependency analysis of the feature commands or of the parametric data of each feature command, and by the reconstruction of these feature commands through the rule-based reasoning of an expert system. Unlike other B Rep correction methods, our method automatically heals parametric feature models without translating them to a B-Rep shape, and it also preserves engineering information.



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