Research in Mathematical Education (한국수학교육학회지시리즈D:수학교육연구)
- Volume 9 Issue 2 Serial No. 22
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- Pages.153-173
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- 2005
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- 1226-6191(pISSN)
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- 2287-9943(eISSN)
Bianshi Problem as the Bridge from 'Entering the Way' to 'Transcending the Way'!: The Cultural Characteristic of Bianshi Problem in Chinese Math Education
- Sun Xuhua (Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong) ;
- Wong Ngai-Ying (Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong) ;
- Lam Chi-chung (Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Published : 2005.06.01
Recently Bianshi problems, math isomorphic problems by changing the conditions, conclusions or deduction process of the three components of the example problem, are consistently identified as an important element in Chinese math education, characteristics in Chinese math education culture and form a hot point in China, 5 main factors related to reasons why is regarded as CULTURE characteristics in Chinese math education are discussed: (a) Exam goal (b) the curriculum objectives (c) traditional mode and conception, (d) Chinese situation, (e) Chinese math tradition.