The characteristics of Pacioli's Bookkeeping

파치올리 부기론의 특성에 관한 고찰

  • 윤석곤 (남서울대학교 경영세무학부)
  • Published : 2005.07.10


Compendium of arithmetic, geometry, and proportions and proportionality' that was published in Venice in 1494 has been recognized as the first bookkeeping data in the world. Major characteristics of Pacioli's bookkeeping rules were reviewed in this study as follows: All the necessary particulars for double entry bookkeeping were provided in Pacioli's bookkeeping rules;. List of property was described at the time of start of business; Three major books were used; Details of daily transactions were considered to be important; Strike through was lined at each description in journal books, details of daily transactions, and list of property after entry of ledger; Amount columns were provided and Arabic numerals were used; Annual settlement custom was being initiated; Profit and loss account was prepared at year-end; Trial balance sheet was inevitably described; Books were verified prior to closing accounts; Control account was not established; Financial statements were not prepared and business analysis was made, too; Finished goods inventory was not adjusted; Mark was assigned to books; Inter-office account was prepared; Branch accounts and branch ledgers were prepared; There was entries of trust; Current arrangement was described; The principle 'Cost or market price, whichever is lower basis' was promoted: Petty cash system is explained Checks and bills of exchange are used in bank account. As mentioned, characteristics of Pacioli's bookkeeping rules were reviewed; the signs of necessity for preparation of profit and loss statement and balance sheet is found as well as preparation of trial balance sheet and the rules may be considered as a very excellent one in terms of the bookkeeping on initiating stage of double entry bookkeeping.

산술${\cdot}$기하${\cdot}$비 및 비례총람(Summa de Arithmetica${\cdot}$Geometria${\cdot}$Proportioni et Proportionalita, 이하 Summa)의 혼다 코우이찌(본전경일, 1975) 번역본을 참고로 파치올리 부기론 특성에 대하여 살펴보았다. 파치올리 부기론이 생성된 시대 상황으로 Summa는 상업상 필요에 따라 나타난 것으로 보인다. 파치올리는 그가 기술한 절차 중 어떤 것도 자기가 창조한 것이라고 주장하고 있지는 않다. 그러나 그가 당시의 부기지도서를 참고로 하여 집필한 것은 거의 틀림없는 일이다. 파치올리는 다만 복사인에 불과한 것이 된다. 파치올리 부기론의 특성은 종교적 문구의 사용. 재산목록의 사용, 일일거래내역서 작성. 연도 말의 손익계정 작성, 계정 마감전 장부의 검증, 시산표 작성, 장부에 기호를 붙이는 것, 본지점계정의 사용, 출장계정의 사용, 판매수탁계정의 사용, 관세관련계정의 사용, 유동성배열법, 저가주의 평가, 관청에 의한 장부 인증, 매년 결산 실시, 괘선식 장부 사용 등의 특성을 나타내고 있다. 이러한 특성은 오늘날 사용하는 회계기법의 기초를 제공해준 중요한 내용이라 할 수 있으며, 이것은 회계실무에 영향을 주었고 회계이론을 구축하는데 중요한 역할을 하였다. 결론적으로 파치올리 부기론은 복식부기 발생 당시의 부기책으로서는 대단히 뛰어난 것이라 할 수 있다.
