The life form, the origin and the time of introduction of those naturalized plants grown in Jeju-Do, korea were grasped by conducting the documentary survey, and the field survey thereof. The naturalized plants were total 199 taxa including 185 species, 12 varieties and 2 cultivar, which belong to 115 genera, 32 families. The classification of families, there were 43 taxa of Compositae ($21.6\%$), 32 taxa of Gramineae ($16.8\%$), 17 taxa of Legumlinosae ($8.5\%$), and 13 taxa of Cruciferae ($6.5\%$). As the life forms of the naturalized plants in Jeju Island were there 91 taxa of annual plants, 31 taxa of biennial plants, 16 taxa of annual or biennial plants, 57 taxa of perennial plants, and 4 taxa of trees. The distribution of the naturalized plants, the were 29 taxa thereof were located in Jeju Island, 20 taxa in Jeju Island as well as in the southern part of Korean Peninsula, 33 taxa in Jeju Island as well as in the central part of Korean Peninsula, and 117 taxa in the entire area of South Korea. As 89 taxa thereof were originated from America, 69 taxa from Europe, 2 taxa from Africa, 22 taxa from Asia, 1 taxa from Oceania, and 16 taxa from other provinces. As 38 taxa thereof had been introduced into Jeju Island before 1921, 23 taxa from 1922 to 1963, and 138 taxa since 1964.
문헌조사 및 현지조사를 통하여 제주도 귀화식물에 관한 생활형, 출현지역, 원산지, 귀화시기 등 재조사하였다. 제주도에 자라는 귀화식물은 32과 115속 185종 12변종 2품종으로 총199분류군이 있다. 이들을 과별로 구분한 결과 국화과 43분류군($21.6\%$), 벼과 32분류군($16.8\%$), 콩과 17분류군($8.5\%$), 십자화과 13분류군($6.5\%$)의 순으로 나타났다. 제주도에 출현한 귀화식물의 생활형은 한해살이 91분류군, 두해살이풀 31분류군, 한해 혹은 두해살이풀 16분류군, 여러해살이 57분류군, 그리고 나무 4분류군으로 구분되었으며 분포지역은 제주에 분포하는 29분류군, 제주와 남부지역 20분류군, 제주와 중부 33분류군, 남한전체 117분류군으로 구분되었다. 또한 귀화식물의 원산지는 아메리카 지역 89분류군, 유럽 69분류군, 아프리카 지역 2분류군, 아시아 22분류군, 기타 17분류군이었고 귀화식물의 이입 시기는 1921년 이전에 38분류군, 1922년에서 1963년까지 23분류군, 1964년에서 2004년까지 138분류군이었다.