Compensation for Distorted Signals by using Optimal Pump Light Power in WDM Systems with Non-midway Optical Phase Conjugator

  • Lee Seong-Real (Div. of Marine Electro. and Comm. Eng., Mokpo National Maritime University)
  • Published : 2005.07.01


In this paper, the optimal pump light power of optical phase conjugator (OPC) and the compensation characteristics of distorted WDM channel signals are numerically investigated, when the OPC with highly-nonlinear dispersion shifted fiber (HNL-DSF) not be placed at the mid-way of total transmission length. The total dispersion of former half section and latter half section is assumed to be same each other in this approach. It is confirmed that, in WDM transmission systems with OPC deviated from the mid-way, the pump light power for best compensation must be flexible selected depending on the OPC position. This optimal pump light power is gradually increased as the OPC is gradually closer to the receiver. Consequently, it is possible to establish the compensation system independent on the OPC position by setting optimal pump light power connected with the OPC position.



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