중학생의 혈액 중 중금속 모니터링

The Monitoring of Heavy Metals in Human Bloods of Middle School Students

  • Park Hee Ra (National Institute of Toxicological Research Food & Drug Exposure Assessment Division) ;
  • Kim Meehye (National Institute of Toxicological Research Food & Drug Exposure Assessment Division) ;
  • Kwun Ki-Sung (National Institute of Toxicological Research Food & Drug Exposure Assessment Division) ;
  • Kim Soon Ki (Inha University Medical School) ;
  • Heo Su-Jeong (National Institute of Toxicological Research Food & Drug Exposure Assessment Division) ;
  • Kim Kwang_Jin (National Institute of Toxicological Research Food & Drug Exposure Assessment Division) ;
  • Yum Tae-Kyung (National Institute of Toxicological Research Food & Drug Exposure Assessment Division) ;
  • Choi Kwang Sik (National Institute of Toxicological Research Food & Drug Exposure Assessment Division) ;
  • Kim Soo Yeon (National Institute of Toxicological Research Food & Drug Exposure Assessment Division)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


1 혈액 중 중금속 분석방법을 확립하기 위하여 GF-hAS를 이용하여 microwave digestion 방법과 혈액희석법의 검출한계 및 회수율을 비교 검토한 결과 혈액희석법이 검출한계 및 회수율이 우수하였으며, 표준시료(CRM)를 이용한 시험방법에 대한 검증에서 만족스런 결과를 나타내었음. 2.중학생 300명을 대상으로 혈액 중 중금속함량을 GF-AhS를 이용하여 측정한 결과 납과 아연에서 남학생이 여학생에 비해 유의적으로 높은 수치를 보였으며,납의 함량은 남학생 약 4 ug/dL, 여학생 약 3 u즈d트으_로 WHO의 권고치 20 uUdL, 미국질병관리센터의 어린이에 대한 권고치 10 ug/dL에 미달하는 수준이었음. 3. 카드윰은 남, 여 모두 평균 0.06 ug/dl으로 WHO의 일반인 권고치 0.5 ug/dL보다 훨씬 낮은 수치를 나타내었음. 4. 또한 아연의 경우 남학생 약 106 ug/dL, 여학생 약 93 ug/dL으로 혈청 정상치인 64-118 ug/dL에 해당하는 수치이었음 5. 구리는 남 $\cdot$ 여학생 모두 약 99 ufdL로 혈청 정상치인 80-121 ug/dL범위내로 나타났음. 6. 남$\cdot$녀 학생 중 빈혈집단과 정상인과의 중금속함량을 분석한 결과 여학생의 빈혈 집단에서 정상집단 보다 납 함량이 다소 높게 나타났음(P>0.05). 7. 혈액 중 납과 철분 간에 음의 상관관계가, 납과 아연간에는 양의 상관관계가 관찰되었음(P<0.001).

This study was conducted to estimate the contents of heavy metals including lead, cadmium, zinc, copper as well as iron status(serum iron, total iron binding capacity, feritin etc)in blood samples of middle school students(n=300). The contents of heavy metals were determined using the GF-AAS (Graphite furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer). The microwave digestion method and dilution method were compared. The dilution method showed the better recovery and detection limit than microwave digestion method. The values of toxic metals in whloe blood of boys & girls were 3.46 & 3.05 for Pb,0.063 & 0.065 for Cd respectively (ug/dL). Also the values of trace metals in serum of boys & girls were 105.9 & 92.6 for Zn, 98.3 & 99.0 for Cu respectively (ug/dL). The prevalence of iron deficiency was $7.5\%$ in 146 boys and $14.3\%$ in 156 girls. The mean values of lead in girls were higher in iron deficiency, iron deficiency anemia and anemia groups than normal group. The mean values of lead and zinc were higher in boys compared to those in girls(P<0.05), the mean values of cadmium and copper in boys were similar to those in girls. Our results of toxic metals such as Pb & Cd showed lower to CDC's(Centers for Disease Control) blood lead levels of concern for children, 10 ug/dL.



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