패밀리레스토랑의 내부환경에 대한 젊은 남녀간의 지각차이 분석

Exploring Differences of Perception on In-Restaurant Environment in Family Restaurant Context between Young Males and Females

  • 발행 : 2005.10.31


본 연구는 패밀리 레스토랑 맥락에서 패밀리 레스토랑 내 환경에 대한 젊은 남녀의 지각 차이를 검증하고자 하였다. 성별 주제에 대한 연구는 소비자 행동 연구에서 기본적인 조절 변수로 널리 사용되고 있으며, 패밀리 레스토랑 업게 에서도 점포환경의 마케팅 믹스 전략으로서 가장 일반적으로 사용되고 있다. 자료는 세 개의 패밀리 레스토랑을 방문한 382명의 고객들로부터 수집하였으며, SPSS LISREL 통계프로그램을 사용하였고 가설검증을 위하여 신뢰도분석과 확인요인분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 남성이 여성보다 식음료 요인에 대하여 더욱 민감한 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 이벤트 요인들은 여성보다는 남성이 레스토랑 내 환경을 판단하는데 유용한 기초를 제공하였다. 셋째, 디자인 요인들이 여성보다 남성에서 성별차이를 설명하는데 중요한 역할을 하였다. 요약하면, 본 연구의 결과는 레스토랑 내 환경믹스 전략들은 성별에 따라서 달라져야 한다는 것을 보여주고 있다. 최근 젊은 남성들의 기호는 전통적 패러다임에서 변화하고 있으며, 심미적으로 스타일적이며, 감성적 지향적 문화를 추구한다. 따라서 이러한 결과들은 식음료산업 트랜드에 중요한 방안을 제공해준다. 연구의 마지막 부분에, 이론적 기여도, 관리적 시사점, 연구의 한계점, 그리고 향후 연구방향이 제시되었다.



  1. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science v.22 The Influence of Store Environment on Quality Inferences and Store Image Baker, J.;Grewal, D.;Parasuraman, A.
  2. Journal of Marketing v.66 no.April The Influence of Multiple Store Environment Cues on Perceived Merchandise Value and Patronage Intentions Baker, J.;Parasuraman, A.;Grewal, D.;Voss, G.B.
  3. Journal of Business Research v.24 no.February Exploring the Affective Quality of Retail Environments: Expanding the Scope of Retail Personality Darden, William R.;Babin, Barry J.
  4. Psychology & Marketing v.14 no.4 Store Environment and Consumer Purchase Behavior: Mediating Role of Consumer Emotions Sherman, E.;Mathur, A.;Smith, R.B.
  5. Journal of Services Marketing v.10 no.6 The Effect of the Servicescape on Customers' Behavioral Intentions in Leisure Service Settings Wakefield, K.L.;Blodgett, J.G.
  6. Journal of Business Research v.42 Effects of Store Characteristics and In-Store Emotional Experiences on Store Attitude Yoo, C.;Park, J.;Maclnnis, D.J.
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  8. Journal of Marketing v.41 no.April Breaking Free From Product Marketing Shostack, G.L.
  9. International Journal of Tourism Sciences v.3 no.1 The Effects of In-Store Environment Cues on Purchase Intentions Across the Three Types of Restaurants in Korea Lee, Y.;Lee, D.;Kwon, W.;Park, Y.
  10. Korean Journal of Hotel Administration v.9 no.2 The Impact of Hotel Chinese Restaurants' Environment on Service Evaluation and Purchase Behavior Lee, Y.;Lee, J.;Park, D.
  11. Journal of Retailing v.68 no.4;Winter An Experimental Approach to Making Retail Store Environmental Decisions Baker, J.;Levy, M.;Grewal, D.
  12. Journal of Marketing Research v.28 no.1 Gender Differences in the Use of Message Cues and Judgments Meyers-Levy, J.;Sternthal, B.
  13. The Weekly Hankook Summer 2005, Indulge with Retro Temptation Park, Se-Eun
  14. Word v.22 no.April-August-December The Influence of Sex and Knowledge of Communication Effectiveness of Spontaneous Speech Wood, M.M.
  15. Language and speech v.25 no.July-september Sex-related difference in the color lexicom Ronald, Nowaczyk
  16. Kookmin Times Good Morning Christian - Park Jong-Gu, Laura - Come to DMZ Park, Jong-Gu
  17. Journal of Consumer Research v.18 no.1 Exploring Differences in Males' and Females' Processing Strategies Meyers-Levy, J.;Maheswaran, D.
  18. Journal of Consumer Research v.23 no.2 Trend Effects and Gender Difference in Retrospective Judgments of Consumption Emotions Learette, Dube;Morgan, Michael S.
  19. Psychology & Marketing v.20 no.3 The Influence of Gender on Mood Effects in Advertising Martin, B.A.S.
  20. Journal of Marketing v.56 no.2 Servicescapes: The Impact of Physical Surroundings on Customers and Employees Bitner, M.J.
  21. The Role of the Environment in Marketing Services: The Consumer Perspective, in The Services Challenges: Integrating for Competitive Advantage Baker, J.;Czepeil, John A.(ed.);Congram, Carole A.(ed.);Shanahan, James(ed.)
  22. Journal of Retailing v.64 no.Spring SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality Parasuraman, A.;Zeithaml, V.A.;Berry, L.L.
  23. Journal of Retailing v.50 no.Winter Meaning of Image Lindquist, J.D.
  24. Journal of Retailing v.50 Shopping Habits in Grocery Chains Doyle, P.;Fenwick, I.
  25. Journal of Retailing v.53 Determinant Attributes of Store Patronage: Downtown Versus Outlying Shopping Areas Bearden, W.O.
  26. Retail Management Ghosh, A.
  27. European Journal of Marketing v.32 no.5/6 On the Relationship Between Store Image, Store Satisfaction and Store Loyalty Bloemer, J.;Ruyter, K.D.
  28. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice v.6 no.2 Alternative Modes of Measuring Store Image: An Empirical Assessment of Structured Versus Unstructured Measures Chowdhury, J.;Reardon, J.;Srivastava, R.
  29. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Channel v.23 no.12 Store Loyal? A View of Differential Congruence Garton, P.A.
  30. Journal of Marketing v.59 no.2 Customer Switching Behavior in Service Industries: An Exploratory Study Keaveney, S.M.
  31. Journal of Business Research v.35 Employee Performance Cues in A Hotel Service Environment: Influence on Perceived Service Quality, Value, and Word-of-Mouth Intentions Hartline, M.D.;Jones, K.C.
  32. Journal of Retailing v.65 no.Winter An Ethnography of A Gift Store: Trappings, Wrappings, and rapture McGrath, M.A.
  33. Journal of Marketing v.54 no.October Music, Mood and Marketing Bruner, G.C. II,
  34. Journal of Marketing v.46 no.Summer Using Background Music to Affect the Behavior of Supermarket Shoppers Milliman, R.
  35. Journal of Consumer Research v.13 no.September The Influence of Background Music on the Behavior of Restaurant Patrons Milliman, R.
  36. Journal of Retailing v.49 no.Winter Atmoshpere As A Marketing Tool Kotler, P.
  37. Journal of Retailing v.68 no.Winter Store Shopping Experience and Consumer Price-Quality-Value Perceptions Kerin, R.A.;Jain, A.;Howard, D.J.
  38. Journal of Marketing Research v.31 no.May Mastering the Mix: Do Advertising, Promotion, and Sales Force Activities Lead to Differentiation? Boulding, W.;Lee, E.;Staelin, R.
  39. Journal of Marketing v.54 no.April Evaluating Service Encounters: The Effects of Physical Surroundings and Employee Responses Bitner, M.J.
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  41. The Hankyoreh Focus on Chest Shaped Waste' Declaration of Men Suit Change Yoon, Young-Mi
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  44. The Korea Economic Daily What Is the Symbol of Feminized Man? Min, Yong-Ki
  45. Journal of Consumer Research v.24 no.3 Age Difference in Consumers' Processing Strategies: An Investigation of Moderating Influences Yoon, C.
  46. Journal of Consumer Research v.2 Situational Variables and Consumer Behavior Belk, R.
  47. Journal of Marketing v.49 no.Fall A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research Parasuraman, A.;Zeithaml, V.A.;Berry, L.L.
  48. Journal of Marketing v.52 no.July Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence Zeithaml, V.A.