심미적인 이유를 포함한 여러 가지 원인에 의한 안검성형술을 저자등이 사용한 방법, 안검성형술을 받고자 하는 동기, 합병증 등을 보고하며 국내의 턱얼굴외과의사들의 새로운 진료 영역으로의 안면부 연조직미용수술에 관한 관심과 노력을 기대한다.
Recently, the number of facial contouring surgery such as angle reduction or malarplasty in Oral and maxillofacial surgery is increasing steadly as the demand for maxillofacial esthetic surgery of the patients is growing. Looking around international trend of oral and maxillofacial surgery, nowadays workshop or symposium about facial soft esthetic surgery such as corrective rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, face lift are held. This means that maxillofacial esthetic surgery is new scope which oral and maxillofacial surgeons should develope. Therefore the authors present cases of blepharoplasty which got hardly used to oral and maxillofaical surgeon with literature review in order to raise the concern about maxillofacial esthetic surgery.