대형 엘리베이터에서 Bracon hebetor (벌목: 좀벌과)의 반복 방사에 의한 화랑곡나방 (나비목 : 명나방과)의 방제 효과

Suppression of Indian Meal Moth (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) by Iterative Mass Release of Bracon hebetor (Hymenoptera : Braconidae) in Wheat Elevators

  • 나자현 (고려대학교 생명환경과학대학 환경생태공학부) ;
  • 천용식 (고려대학교 생명환경과학대학 환경생태공학부) ;
  • 류문일 (고려대학교 생명환경과학대학 환경생태공학부)
  • Na, Ja-Hyun (Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Korea University) ;
  • Chun, Yong-Shik (Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Korea University) ;
  • Ryoo, Mun-Il (Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Korea University)
  • 발행 : 2005.09.01


대용량 밀 저장 엘리베이터(직경 8 m, 높이 41 m)에서 화랑곡나방(Plodia interpunctella ($H\"{u}bner$))의 유충기생봉, Bracon hebetor Say, 방사를 통한 화랑곡나방 개체군의 억제 실험을 수행하였다. 2002 년 7월 23일부터 일주 간격으로 총 50,000 마리의 기생봉을 방사하였던 바 화랑곡나방 성충의 밀도 수준이 방사하지 않은 엘리베이터에 비해서 30% 수준으로 유지되었다.

Biological control of Indian meat moth (Plodia interpunctella ($H\"{u}bner$)) by iterative mass release of its larval parasitoid, Bracon hebetor Say, was tested in a large wheat elevator (diameter 8 m, height 41 m) containing 6,000 t of wheat. Adult parasitoids were released seven times from July 23 to September 3, 2002. The number of parasitoid adults per release time varied from 3,000 to 10,000 so that the total number released was 50,000. The moth population density in the parasitoid-released elevator was maintained at a level of ${\approx}30%$ compared to the moth population in untreated elevators.



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