Journal of Korea Port Economic Association (한국항만경제학회지)
- Volume 21 Issue 3
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- Pages.35-59
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- 2005
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- 1225-3855(pISSN)
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- 2714-1330(eISSN)
Change of Logistics Environment in North-East Asia and Hub Port Strategy of Gwangyang Port
동북아 물류환경 변화와 광양항의 허브항만 전략
The Purpose of this study is to exmaine fundamental problems of Gwangyang Port and draw up plans of its Hub Port. Gwangyang Port has been gradually reduced container cargo increase rate. on account of large development of Chinese Port, undevelopment of Hinterland, Port facilities of Gwangyang Port. We should develop hinterland to be closely connected with Port Cluster, Business City, Free Economic Zone to increase cargo volume. and in order to increase transshipment cargo volume, We should prepare diverse plans that can induce Chinese and Japanese transshipment cargo. Gwangyang Port and Busan Port should be managed united one port system by a Port Authority to strengthen international competitiveness. Activation of new ports for the most part call for full support by Government at the beginning. Gwangyang Port's future it can be if Government has strong will.