Development of Equipment Operating Condition Diagnosis Model Using the Fuzzy Inference

퍼지추론을 이용한 설비가동상태진단 모델 연구

  • 정영득 (전주공업대학 시스템 정보경영과) ;
  • 박주식 ((주)한스환경엔지니어링 부설연구소)
  • Published : 2005.12.31


In the study, Methods for operating measures in equipment security to find out dangerousness timely in the system and to need for the prevention and measures. The method for analyzing and reconstructing the causes of accident of equipment in site, and try to save the information of site in real-time and to analyze the state of equipment to look for the factors of accidents. By this analysis, one plan for efficiency of production, Equipment Fault Diagnosis Management and security is integrating and building module of using the Fuzzy Inference based on fuzzy theory. The case study is applied to the industrial electric motors that are necessarily used to all manufacturing equipment. Using the sensor for temperature is attached to gain the site information in real time and to design the hardware module for signal processing. In software, realize the system supervising and automatically saving to management data base by the algorithm based in fuzzy theory from the existing manual input system



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