국내 외식업체의 신상품 개발 전략 및 성과 분석에 관한 연구

Study of New Product Development Strategy and Its Outcome Analysis for Domestic Restaurant Business

  • 임배균 (호텔 르네상스 식음료부) ;
  • 김윤태 (한국관광대학 외식산업과)
  • Lim, Bae-Kyun (Dept. of Food & Bwerage, Hotel Renaissance) ;
  • Kim, Yoon-Tai (Dept. of Food Service Industry, Korea Tourism College)
  • 발행 : 2005.09.30


There are various factors to determine success and failure of new product development. Among them one of the most important factors for success will be strategic management of development process for a new product. First the development process for a new product in domestic restaurant business is improvement of existing product quality or extension of a product line. Second, the study found that there is a strong relationship between the development strategy.for a new product and its outcome. The more focused a product becomes in cost efficiency and customer relations, the better reflected the financial and non financial outcome can be in analysis. Third, financial outcome tends to be considered more than non financial outcome on deciding success of the new product development. Fourth, the study indicates that there is a direct relationship between financial non financial outcome analysis and success of new product development.
