초등학생의 건강증진행위 실천에 영향을 미치는 요인 - 초등학교 6학년을 중심으로 -

The Related Factors on the Health Promotion Behavior of Primary School Students

  • 한창현 (경동정보대학 보건의료행정과) ;
  • 김귀영 (대구과학대 의무행정과) ;
  • 김동식 (경상북도 칠곡교육청)
  • Han, Chang-Hyun (Department of Health Care Administration, Kyungdong College of Techno-information) ;
  • Kim, Gui-Young (Department of Medical Administration, Taegu Science College) ;
  • Kim, Dong-Sik (Gyongsangbukdo Chilgok Office of Education)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.30


Objectives: The purpose of this study is to find out how well the primary school students are practicing the health promotion behaviors and the factors relating their health promotion behavior. Methods: This study was carried out by using questionnaires with 1,215 students attending at a 6th grade, 16 primary schools which arranged the school health teachers in Kyoungpook, Chilkok Gun from the 21th through 22th of December 2004. Among them, 1,189 were included in final analysis. The collected data was analyzed through frequency, percentage mean and standard deviation, multiple regression. Results: According to the data from multiple regression of analysis which has the health promotion behavior practice as a subordinate variable, in male students' case the degree of health promotion behavior practice becomes high in proportion to their parents' interest in health, to their perceived self efficacy, and in case of the barriers of the health promotion behavior practice. As to the female students, their health behavior practice becomes high in proportion to their parents' interest in health. It also becomes high in proportion to the perceived health status, the understanding of the importance of the health, internal health locus of control in personality, the perceived self efficacy and the perceived benefit of the health promotion behavior. But in case of the barriers of the health promotion behavior, it was the same as the male students' case. Conclusions: As the results of study, it showed that the knowledge to importance of health, the self efficacy, the knowledge of benefit of health promotion behaviors and the health concern to the children of the parents were related to health promotion behaviors of the primary school students. So, through the systematic development of health education program, we induced to desirable direction for the changeable factors of actions to health promotion for the health, and through the connective guidelines between the School and the Home, we have to adapt to effective health promotion program for the health management of the young boys and girls.



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