Removal of OH Spectral Interferences from Aqueous Solvents in Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) with Ar Cryogenic Desolvation

  • Cho, Young-Min (Department of Chemistry, Korean National University of Education) ;
  • Pak, Yong-Nam (Department of Chemistry, Korean National University of Education)
  • Published : 2005.09.20


The spectral interferences of OH from aqueous solvents in ICP-AES have been studied and eliminated using a cryogenic argon trap. The prominent lines of Bi I 306.772 nm, Al I 309.271 nm, and V II 310.230 nm, which are very seriously overlapped with the OH band, were examined. With an extended torch and high tangential flow of 20 L/min, water vapor from air entrainment was prevented. The combination of a condenser and argon cryogenic trap was able to eliminated most of water vapor carried by the argon sample gas. Removal of OH spectral interference could extend the linearity of the calibration curve 5-10 times on the lower concentration for ICP-AES. Interference Equivalent Concentration (IEC) has been reduced to 5.6, 5.9, and 12.4 times for Bi, Al and V, respectively.



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