A Digital Acoustic Transceiver for Underwater Acoustic Communication

  • Park Jong-Won (Maritime and Ocean Engineering Research Institute(MOERI)/KORDI) ;
  • Choi Youngchol (Maritime and Ocean Engineering Research Institute(MOERI)/KORDI) ;
  • Lim Yong-Kon (Maritime and Ocean Engineering Research Institute(MOERI)/KORDI) ;
  • Kim Youngkil (School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University)
  • 발행 : 2005.09.01


In this paper, we present a phase coherent all-digital transceiver for underwater acoustic communication, which allows the system to reduce complexity and increase robustness in time variant underwater environments. It is designed in the digital domain except for transducers and amplifiers and implemented by using a multiple digital signal processors (DSPs) system. For phase coherent reception, conventional systems employed phase-locked loop (PLL) and delay-locked loop (DLL) for synchronization, but this paper suggests a frame synchronization scheme based on the quadrature receiver structure without using phase information. We show experimental results in the underwater anechoic basin at MOERI. The results show that the adaptive equalizer compensates frame synchronization error and the correction capability is dependent on the length of equalizer.



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