가구의 교육 및 보육시설 이용률과 지출비용에 영향을 미치는 요인

Factors that Affect the Use and Expenditure of Households for Childhood Education and Care Centers

  • 김지경 (토오호쿠대학 사회계층과 불평등연구교육센터)
  • Kim Ji Kyung (Center for the study of Social Stratification and Inequality, Tohoku University)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


This study analyzed the factors that affect the use and expenditure of households for childhood education and care centers. The data were drawn from KLIPS(Korea Labor and Income Panel study), vol. 5(2002). From this dataset, 1,171 households were selected for this study. The results of this study were as follows. First, when compared to unemployed mother's households, employed mother's households tended to use childhood education and care centers. Second, with rising household income, the use of childhood education and care centers decreased. Third, the expenditure was much larger for the households with a large income than those with a small income.



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